Geological tourism in Egypt …….
Although the mental image of international and regional tourists on tourism products in Egypt is generally archaeological, heritage and recreational, the diverse geological heritage in Egypt is an important tourist attraction capable of attracting huge numbers of tourists, diversifying the tourist offer and prolonging the stay of tourists. In which. The pyramids are great, not only the uniqueness and excellence of the Egyptian tourism product, but also a long list of formidable geological formations that can manage tourism in Egypt
Promoting the Arab region and the world, so that Egypt can be one of the most important countries in the region and the world in terms of geological tourism products. Egypt’s geological sites, such as Wadi El-Hitan, the Petrified Forest Reserve, Wadi Snour Cave, Dahshur Reserve, Dome of El-Hassanna, Wadi Al-Assyouti and other sites can be mentioned. Most geological sites in Egypt are associated with important historical, archaeological, religious and spiritual contexts, which contribute to maximizing their ability to attract the greatest types of tourists.
It is noticeable that the tendencies towards geological tourism products are weak in the tourism discourse in Egypt, and the lack of tourism marketing and promotion programs for geological tourism. Most of Egypt’s geological tourism sites need to improve accessibility, infrastructure and metadata, visitor centers and site interpretation materials. Moreover, Egypt’s domestic tourism programs for geological tourism are still very few, in addition to the scarcity of specialized travel agencies. So far it can be said that it is difficult to count the number of tourist guides specialized in geological tourism trips in Egypt or to contain the qualification and training of tourism to provide geological knowledge content.
To develop the geological tourism in Egypt, the elements of the presentation of the geological heritage should be developed through the development of tourist attractions, the provision of appropriate routes, paths and means of transport, the provision of maps and data to facilitate access to sites, the development of various forms of accommodation suitable for geological sites, and the establishment of visitor centers for sites targeted for tourism development and provide appropriate information For these sites and contribute to deepen visitors’ understanding of the geological, natural and cultural characteristics of these caves. Facilitate the participation of local people in the activities of geological tourism in Egypt and provide employment opportunities for them and encourage them to engage in tourism development of geological sites from their areas of residence. The successful management of geological tourism sites depends largely on the ability to involve the surrounding communities in tourism development. And the development of tourism facilities and services geological tourism needs a package of services and various facilities as any other type of tourism
. It is necessary to organize packages of exciting tourist activities such as cave exploration, mountain climbing and hiking in the valleys in order to create distinctive tourist experiences for visitors and urge them to repeat their tourism experience in Egypt. It is important to market and promote the most prominent sites of the geological heritage of Halal preparation of tourism marketing packages suitable for domestic and international tourists. And the use of electronic means and social networks to reach global markets. A balance must be struck between geological tourism activities and ways to preserve different geological sites.
Some geological heritage sites such as caves have specific absorptive capacities that should not be exceeded by visitors. Therefore, the management of geological sites in Egypt should work in every possible way to sustain geological sites and preserve their natural characteristics. The basic principles of the creation of a geophysical heritage site are the protection of the environment and the safety of visitors, and achieving profitability and balance between these principles ensures that the negative impacts on geological heritage sites are minimized. The development of geological tourism in Egypt will contribute to the development of tourism supply and demand in Egypt, attract local, regional and international tourism investments, create new jobs in different geological sites and increase hotel occupancy rates. Geo-tourism will also contribute to the sustainability and preservation of geological sites and increase the awareness of nearby communities of the importance of their geological and natural heritage.
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